Our Family Blog

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Snow Day - Valentine's Day - 2007

A Snow Day is a two-edged sword. On the good side, you get to sleep in on a day that you normally have to get up early in the cold to go to work. On the bad side, if there is enough snow to warrent a snow day, then there is a boatload of snow in your driveway and if you want to get your car out to the street that day or the next morning, you have to shovel it. So, on February 14, I awoke to a Snow Day....NO SCHOOL!!!!! I was happy until the moment I had to trudge outside, bundled up to my eyes and dig out. Just as I finished our LONG, LONG driveway, who should show up but the town snow plow.

Snow plows are a two-edged sword. On the good side, they clear the roads so you can drive places without skidding all over the road. On the bad side, they push all the snow in the street (including rocks and bits of salt) ACROSS the entrance to MY DRIVEWAY, creating a frozen, heavy wall of snow.

Okay, so after shoveling the driveway and the huge pile the snow plow left me, I was pretty warm. Then I enjoyed the day.


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