Our Family Blog

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Boating on the Lake

At the end of June we went down to the lake to help our friend, Brian W. and family, launch his new motor boat for the first time. Of course, knowing nothing about boats, we were pretty useless.
So, when Brian forgot to put in the hull plug before launching the boat....(oops), we could only watch in horror as the boat began to sink. Brian dove under the water and inserted the plug, just in the nick of time. Then we dragged the boat out of the lake and waited while all the lake water drained out of the bildge. Finally, we got the boat back in the lake (plug inserted correctly prior to launch) and set sail...I mean, set motor. We cruised up and down the lake, ate a picnic lunch, and all in all had a very good time. Thanks Brian!!!


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